Born in Piraeus the biggest port in Greece, with origins from Skyros island, the place where Thetis mother of Achilles hid him in order to avoid going and fight in the epic war of Troy.
From my childhood I was thrilled by the power of photography and cinema. I studied photography & continued with my studies at Film School, as Cinema Director. Founder of “Wedding Skyros” a project that was made with love for my favourite place on earth, so as to create a new alternative tourism for the island of Skyros.
Based in Greece, available for local and international travel.
nikolas fanos

I love Art. Any type of Art. I am interested in paintings, sculpture and architecture. I love cinema and the way a story is told through beautiful images. Art is the only investement that makes us rich for ever and ever. Knowledge and art are the only treasures we should look for.
I love the sea and the sun. I am so greatful that my summers were full of blue sea and white small houses in the picturesque island of Skyros. I love the way waves have their way to eternity. Love the smell of the sea breeze and listen to the sound of waves that is a melody to my ears.